FREE VIDEO - Art journaling with Michelle Schratz

Bonus Lesson for FLOWERS MAGIC class


This is one of the bonus lessons of Michelle for FLOWERS MAGIC CLASS.

Flowers Magic is a class in the form of a challenge where during 20 days you will be challenged to explore Flowers through the lens of 6 artists. Different mixed media techniques to use in your art journals. We create an eco-printed art journal and use it during the class to explore Flowers.


Want to use more nature in your art journals?

Click on the buttons to learn more about these classes



You might like to see the Free videos from The Nature heArt Journal class. Take a look at this blog post where I share 3 of the video lessons inside The Nature HeArt Journal.


If you love adding nature elements to your art journal pages I have a set of my ecoprinted papers, using flowers and leaves, as a free download printable. You can download and get your collage papers.