Flowers Magic



Flowers Magic is an online Free course for the lovers of Eco print and Mixed Media.

This class is an invitation to play with flowers and use them as a colorful element to create beautiful printed papers and then use them in your ArtJournals.


Flowers are my major inspiration. I love to create intuitive, free flowers on my art journals and create fearless intuitive art inspired by nature and flowers.

Discovering natural prints and dyes opened another world to me and I developed ideas and techniques to bring this amazing nature materials to my handmade art journals.

The power of the colors and shapes of flowers are magic and magic they make when they give us their pigments.

In this course I want to share with you my explorations using flowers to ecoprint on paper, using Flowers pigments to bring more color to the papers.

Do you know nature Powders'?

Did you know that you can create your own Nature powders and Flakes?


Ohh this is absolutly an amazing find that I did. Create my own nature powders and my flakes out of nature elements made me jump to another level with ecoprint.

In this class I share how I use nature elements to create powders and flakes and get even more amazing results in ecoprinting.


How and where to use the Nature Ecoprint Papers and Fabrics ?!


In the mixed media world artists are genious and creatives and always find amazing ways to add to their works such amazing papers. Inside the class I share with you my favourite ways to create using these papers and fabrics.


It’s a very colorful class, rich in videos step by step tutorials and lot’s of tips for you to create your unique nature papers and create your Nature inspired Art Journals.


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Francisca Nunes2 Comments