Gather the pieces that inspire you TO CREATE


Create an art journal with the fragments that inspire you and get ready to be inspired every time you open it to create.

FRAGMENTS is a Free art class for mixed media creatives


Why a Fragments journal

A FRAGMENTS journal is a mixed media art journal that is created using various fragments or pieces of inspiration, such as photos, images, magazine cutouts, found objects, pieces from other projects or classes, and other bits that speak to you.

The idea is to collect these fragments and use them as prompts for your creativity.


Using a fragments journal can be an important tool for inspiring creativity because it allows you to explore and express your ideas and emotions in a unique and personal way.

By gathering and arranging fragments that speak to you, you can create a visual representation of your thoughts and feelings, and use it as a starting point for your creative projects.

A fragments journal can also help you overcome creative blocks by providing a rich source of inspiration that you can turn to whenever you feel stuck or uninspired. It can also help you cultivate a habit of observing the world around you and looking for beauty and inspiration in everyday objects and experiences.


My creative process is made by combining little pieces that then I turn into something big

Having a journal that gathers many of your inspiring fragments and where you will continue adding those fragments will feed your creativity every time you open it to create.

Join me on this Free course. Let's gather those inspiring fragments and create a book that is made to ignite your creativity.


I encourage you to use what you have already. This is a class about using the fragments that inspire you and connect with your creative inner artist.

Supplies I use in this class

(Some are linked to

  • Papers

Select the papers that inspire you. Go through your stash of papers and bits and bobs, ephemera, and fabrics. Gather those you feel more inspired by and those that for some reason connect. Look for different textures, lines, and colors.


Take e Preview on this lesson and get inspired. click the link bellow